Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well, Easter went pretty well. Damon and his family did come. We had Gwen's birthday cake and did the egg hunt out in the yard. Tabitha still had a cough, which I figure was just drainage. THEN Grady got something, and still has a runny nose (allergies??). Now I am getting whatever this is too. UGG!

After Damon left Easter afternoon, we decided to go see Larissa. We were both so happy to see each other. And a bonus, we got to meet her parents and Grandma :)

Yesterday we went to Children's again to see Larissa. We had an "inroom" picnic. It was fun. I am so glad we get to see her. I do IM her everyday, but it's not the same.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Are plans falling apart?

Tabitha came down with something starting Wed afternoon. She has been runing a fever, and of course, it's the weekend my brother's family is supposed to be here so we can celebrate Gwendolyn's 1st birthday. I have still cleaned and made the cake and prepared all the food as much as I can. We will see what happens in the next couple of hours...