Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Something fun

I mention this every so often to Eric. He just rolls his eyes.

I am where I am supposed to be.

First, I was NEVER going to marry an Eric (never say never right?). I knew too many Eric's from school that were trouble makers...LOL!

Second, I went on tour with my choir at church to Columbus, Ohio. Ever since then I felt like I was supposed to live in Ohio.

Third, as a child I had a guinea pig named Angel and a Yorkshire named Jamie.

Just some fun facts I thought I would share.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tortured at the hospital

I really think it is the medical communities ambition to torture people.
When we were in the ER the other night, all I wanted was a simple ultrasound to see what was going on with me. But that is not what happened. I was first ushered into room #26 (out of 40 some) told to give a urine sample, then was asked everytime a new person came in what my birthdate was and my name, like I'm lying to them about who I am. Then was told I would be having my blood drawn, an internal exam and be prepped for a catheter. A WHAT!?!?! I guess it is Aultman's regular procedure, that if you are less than 14 weeks along that you must have a catheter in so they can fill your bladder to do an ultrasound. I made my voice known that I was not happy with that. They gave me an alternative to drink 2 quarts of water as fast as I can so that my bladder would be full. I chose the water and was told to let them know when I felt like I was going to explode. Well, I actually got all the water down and I felt like I was going to explode. The KIND nurse, then informed me that I would have to hold it for at least an hour to an hour and a half before they would take me to ultrasound. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? I danced around my little walk way for 30 minutes and told Eric to call to check on the kids, which meant going out to the lobby. During that time, I was hurting badly from having to pee. I kept looking out my little curtain waiting to see the nurse so I could say "I surrender". Thank goodness about 45 minutes into this torture a nice male nurse came to wheel me away to ultrasound. THEN once I arrived I was made to lay flat while the US tech pressed my belly and all I could do was breathe heavy and moan. If I talked, I know I would have peed everywhere. After that I was fianlly allowed to pee. I never knew how much my poor bladder could hold. I was on the toilet for a good 5 minutes. After that was the WONDERFUL vaginal ultrasound. She couldn't get a good look at my left ovary and was pressing an internal nerve that almost had me in tears. I was applying counter pressure on my back so I didn't start screaming.
Finally I was wheeled back to my little space to see Eric back from his "snack time". Then the waiting began. I was in the ER for 3 1/2 hours just to recieve word that I had an empty sac. My diagnosis was "an inevitable miscarriage". The Doctor said "Sorry about the bad news, get dressed and you can go". I saw the doctor for a total of 3 minutes. I bet those 3 minutes are going to cost me a bundle too...

Friday, January 21, 2011

I was thinking...

Now, I am not trying to make anyone mad, but I was just sitting here tonight contemplating what people's idols were in their lives. Money, big houses, jobs... Then it hit me. There is a huge idol that we are taught from Kindergarten, and maybe even before then, to basically worship. The American flag. Why is it that we are taught to pledge our allegience to a flag?

Of course there is one in every single public school. We sing to it at every major sporting event. Even in churches there are flags up next to the pulpit. But why? Doesn't the Bible tell us that we should only be worshiping God?

Even at Christmas time, why do we put up a tree? Why do we adorn it with all kinds of fancy lights and pretty ornaments? Why do we put presents under it? Isn't the tree an idol also?

I am not putting down patriotism. I love that I live in a country that gives it's inhabitants so many freedoms. I just don't see why we have to pledge our lives to a flag, when we should be pledging our lives to God.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

1 Year Through the Bible pt1

On January 1, I started reading the Bible from the beginning again, and am on a schedule to finish it before the end of the year. I am keeping an outline journal so that if I need to look up something, I just have to scan my outline.

I have read only a few days and it is amazing what we are told in stories as children at CHURCH, yet to find out now that there is way more to the story and facts are not as they were taught.

1st Point: It says right in the Bible that a day is evening to morning (as is the day in the Hebrew calendar)

2nd Point: God told Noah to take 7...7, not 2...male and 7 female clean beast and 2 male and 2 female unclean beast, also 7 male and 7 female fowl

3rd Point: The flooding rains came for 40 days and nights, but they were on the Ark for 150 days!

I feel if you are going to teach children a story, it should be the WHOLE story, not dumbed down.

As I come across more things, I will blog about them.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


When I was growing up, I can not remember a time when I wasn't terrified of my father. All I remember is getting in trouble over trivial things, but getting a really hefty spanking, nonetheless. I was always terrified of being alone with him, because anything and everything would set him off with his hand. Sadly, it was a relief to me when my parents decided to divorce and even a huge weight off of my shoulders when he passed away this past year. I would have nightmares of him coming and finding me just to yell and scream at me, belittle me, and beat me. Those nightmares are now gone.

My mom really didn't do much disciplining, but her weapon of choice was a ping pong paddle. I remember her spanking my brother until his bottom bled, and with further discussion with Damon, that wasn't the only time that happened.

Eric had a similar childhood that included spankings with belts, which has scarred him for life. Little by little I learn more and more about his childhood, but it is bottled up inside. Slowly it will all come out.

Why is it that people associate discipline with hitting your children?
I am trying extremely hard not to do what was deeply engrained into me as a child. Don't get me wrong, I do still spank, but not a full out beating. I will swat 1-2 times. That is sufficient. Not a repeated lashing for 3 minutes and yelling and screaming, telling you how dumb you are.

There are 4 steps involved in discipline.
1 – To correct immediate behavior. 2 – To teach a lesson. 3 – To give tools that build self-discipline and emotional control. 4 – To build the parent/child relationship.

I am trying my best to find what works for us. I do not want to turn into my parents.