Saturday, November 12, 2011

Save money by sewing

1.  Did you know you can get away with buying 4 basic colors of thread for all your sewing needs? That's right! Ignore those patterns that tell you that you have to have a blendable color for every project you sew. I'm not saying this if you are sewing a formal or fancy project. But, your day to day, normal sewing should only really take white, off white, navy, or black.

2.  Children's clothing prices are outrageous at the stores anymore. You can buy a whole book of basic clothing sewing patterns for a fraction of the cost of buying each pattern separately. Also, the fabric amounts you buy will cost about as much as getting the article on sale somewhere (and the cost of driving all around town to different stores). Also it will most likely be made better (patterns lined up, seams correctly sewn...).

3.  Get pattern tracing material and have your patterns for life. If your daughter has a favorite dress you made, most likely the pattern came in multiple sizes, so you will be able to make the same dress in a bigger size for her. You can even hand them down to your children, since the master patterns will never see scissors.

If anyone has anymore money saving sewing ideas, please comment below, so the whole world can do it too!

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