Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sewing for a cause

As we are all affected by this global pandemic, COVID-19, I pray that all of my readers are staying at home, like it has been suggested, so that the spread can be stopped in its tracks.

I am personally blessed that I am a prepper. I know how to cook and bake, keep our pantry stocked (yes even with toilet paper, even though we use mostly cloth), know how to sew, and homeschool my children. Because of this, I have felt very little effect. My friends and acquaintances on Facebook tell their stories and I really feel for them.

This past week, I went through all of my scrap bins and rolls of elastic in my sewing room to aid in the movement of sewing masks for healthcare professionals that are going to be needing extraordinary amounts in the coming weeks. As of this morning, the Governor of Ohio said that they also needed medical foot covers (booties), so I went on a search to find a pattern to start making those, only to be very disappointed. How could there not be precise instructions or even a clearly put together YouTube video for me to follow?

Well, I’m here to tell you that I took that matter into my own hands. Through some light trial and error, I have measurements and uploaded the video I made to my YouTube channel so that others can follow or even adjust to their liking what I am doing.

Here are the basic instructions:

For making masks, please consult the JoAnn Fabrics website. The last time I heard, they are giving fabric kits to make 5 masks at a time.

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