Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Some Christians are just too pushy!

Life has been extremely busy for our family in the past couple of weeks. A lot of stress and hard work, as well as important life lessons.

My husband just got back from a trip to help his sister remodel her bathroom. Before he got on his plane, a family member gave him verses and a prayer, since they believed he is not saved.

Everywhere we seem to go, we are bombarded with, "Are you saved?" "What makes you think so?"... Why is it that other Christians think they need to know if others are saved or not? Isn't that something that is exclusively between that person and God?

Even when we tried to go to a couple of local churches, because that's what I thought we had to do, since that was how I was raised. We would quickly run from each church, because as soon as someone spotted us as a "new person", we would get questioned, like we were being interrogated as to our true intent on being at that church. The last 2 churches we tried to attend even had the audacity to send people to our house, unannounced, to question us. If you think about it, that is exactly why no one really wants to go to church, and then to actually accept Christ, then it seems as though you are stuck cornering everyone else in your life to turn to the way of your thinking. That is just not how it is supposed to be people!!!

I pray that no one views me as "pushy"! I put my thoughts about religion on my blog for the purpose of sharing my views. If you do not want to read my views, you do not have to. Everyone in the world is allowed to make their own decisions. Everyone has their own beliefs and makes decisions based on what they can sleep with at night. I don't recall reading in the Bible, that Jesus went door to door, forcing his message down people's throats. No, he would be in a public area, and those who wanted to hear, came to seek his opinion. So why is it that we have all these Christian people that find out that someone does not accept the Bible at this time, start pushing their views and are constantly on the backs of someone who is not (or thought not to be) saved?

It is time to re look at the Bible, and use it as a tool to guide our lives. When and if someone sees how you live your life, wants to know more, then you can be prepared to share the wonderful news that is in the Bible with them. Otherwise, please, just let people be. Church goers seem to just be upsetting most of the public and are creating a totally different problem, that they are creating. I know they have the best intentions, but that is not how to go about it.

1 comment:

  1. I believe all study of the Bible leads to Christ and death burial and resurrection. And this is all accumulated in 1st John Chapter 3.
    Like your site.
    Hang in there.
