Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Children and God's word

OK, I know I'm on sort of a soap box today, but I'm irritated and need to get this stuff off my mind and type it out.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me", not force the little children to sit and be force fed information and make them go to church so they can grow up to force other information down other's throats.

I have always talked about Jesus to our children, never making them sit and read stories, but I let them naturally come to me to learn more. They saw how I wanted to read and learn more, so they naturally started asking questions and now my daughter is reading her Bible daily to learn more for herself. The Bible speaks in it's own language. We really don't have to "babify" anything, if they are truly wanting to learn from God. He will open their minds as he sees fit.

I believe in another post way back, I told you that we do not read from children's Bible story books. There really is no need of them. They are a waste of money, if you ask me. Mainly for the reason that I have never seen a children's book that has accurate information, straight from the Bible. Take Noah's Ark, for a good example. Read a child's story book, then go to your Bible and read the story. They are not the same.

 Buy your child a KJV Bible after they learn how to read and when they are seeking to know God for themselves. (Any other version is further from the meaning than was originally intended).

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