Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pregnancy part 2

Well, I have yet to feel "pregnant" yet. I know some people would give anything to have my pregnancies. I have never thrown up, except last time when I hit transition. I am blessed. I do have lower back aches, but that really doesn't count. I know I am only a few weeks along, but I do long for the day that I have a slight bit of nausea from Eric's cologne (happened both times before).

Another thing I wanted to write about is breaking the news. Everytime I find out, I just can't help but shout tothe world how happy and excited we are to have a new baby on the way. Everyone always seems very happy for us, until this time. I don't know why, but all 3 times my Mom has never seemed happy. She is always... I don't know the word for it! With Tabitha we called her first. The response was "Are you sure?". With Grady she was the 3rd to know, the response was "Oh, ok...". This time was "OOPS!!". REALLY!!!??? I honestly don't get it. Also this time when we told Eric's parents, they seemed less than thrilled and commented on me still nursing Grady. Are our parents really trying to push us away? It seems so.

High expectations / no expectations... a New Years Resolution

Well, Eric and I have decided that we are no longer doing holidays, except for Thanksgiving and New Years from now on. We will also only have low key birthdays, just us in attendance, maybe grandparents too, but that's it.

Eric is tired of me making such a big deal out of "commercial holidays", and I know I do. Which is where expectations come in to play. I have very high expectations on how parties are coordinated and special meals, etc... Well, from now on I will have NO EXPECTATIONS. I am so tired of feeling like something is always missing, or expecting Eric to go out of his way to do something special for me on days such as Valentines, our anniversary, or even my birthday. I am tired of dropping hints, just to be let down every year.

I have decided to see what is really infront of me. A husband who loves me and allows me to stay home with our 2, soon to be 3, children. We get what we NEED through out the year, and get a few of our wants too when business is good.

Not having Christmas this year was freeing. I don't know why we didn't do this sooner. This is the first year that I don't have to worry about how to pay January's bills! It may even come to getting more bills paid off too! Wow, what a concept!

I posted this link on Facebook. http://www.bibletools.org/index.cfm/fuseaction/Topical.show/RTD/cgg/ID/72/Pagan-Holidays.htm

I am so stunned, that's mostly all I want to say. It just emphasizes it more that holidays are a big farce.

I am all for the simple life. Eric and I have started to strive for that in the past few yearss and we are so much happier. Learning to cook everything from scratch, sewing, crocheting, homeschooling, homebirth, nursing my children, only going out of the house when absolutely necessary (2x a week maximum). This life is definitely not for everyone, but for us, it is a wonderful life.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Memories by grade, part 2

8th Grade, Von Steuben Middle School

This year changed my life. After being such a disappointment to all of my teachers and parents acedemically. Everything clicked this year. I even excelled in band and choir. Damon and I also ran an after school bible study once a week.

1. I was not "dumb" anymore. I think the curriculum was so far behind what I already knew, it was a relief to actually take a year to "review" everything. Everyone actually thought I was smart!

2. I loved being in band and choir. I excelled in the competitions and the teachers were very supportive and friendly. I actually was allowed to have fun during classes and performances.

3. I had my first boyfriend, but not for long. My only "date" with him was to see Heavy Weights and my dad sat between us the whole movie... how embarrassing!!

9th - 12th Grade, Richwoods Community High School, Health/Science Academy,
Mrs. Roddy, Miss Kapchinske, Mrs. McClain , Mr. Wong, and many more (Sr. Smith "Esmis")

I made many friends and came across a select few from my past at PCS.

I did not excel in band. I felt like a fool. I was never able to practice at home, so I was never good enough for more than last chair. The only fun part was marching band and when we played during basketball games, which Mr. Jirousek abhorred.

I excelled in the HSA. I was still considered "smart" by my class mates and easily made friends with my academy teachers (non-academy teachers were another story).

I climbed the ranks of HSA Government, eventually being President my senior year.

I was in the church Teen Choir and enjoyed having solos and going on tour once a year. I think this is what really helped me through high school the most. I was also in a girls chorus my junior year, but we only performed once. I was actually really surprised I even got into the "exclusive" little click. Guess they were surprised I could hold a tune throughout and entire song accapella :)

I got to drive my "BEEQUA-mobile" to school.

I babysat once for my spanish teacher, Mr. Smith.

I had 2 boyfiends during high school. One was my first kiss, who moved away to live with his dad, the other is now my husband :)

I always had to rely on my very good band friend to set me up with a date to all the dances, except for 4 of them. The first 2 of my hand picked dates were disasters, the last 2 were with Eric.

I held a job throughout high school as a child care provider on Wednesday nights and some school holidays for Mother's Day Out group at church.

I was both relieved and jealous that I never got to go to the youth programs with people my own age. Relieved because I didn't want to really hang out with the people that went to PCS, and jealous because they got to go on retreats and such, since most people at my church (and PCS) had doctors, lawyers, and such as parents. I would have never been able to afford that. Also everyone knew we rented from the church. If the retreats were leaving and I was home, I would secretly watch everyone pile into the charter buses out of my window, since we lived right next to the parking lot.

When I turned 16, I had 2 jobs so I could pay for Damon and I to have lunches at school and pay for my car insurance and gas. What ever was left over was for clothes I got at discount at Bergners and little outings with friends (which were far and few between).

I got a job at Subway to, I guess you could kind of call it stalking..., I had a crush on a guy that worked there. It really was a bad idea.

My next job was at Bergners. I will never work retail again. My feet killed me and I KNOW that I worked more than I was supposed to. No teen should be working past midnight.

The HSA led me to a job working in the Children's hospital. I am very greatful for my experiences there, but I could never do that again. It is just too emotional (and germy...).

My senior year I was able to go to college for 1/2 a day. I became a Certified Nursing Assistant. I was trained in a nursing home. I will never work in one of those ever again, but it did give me knowledge later to help take care of my Grandpa the last few days of his life.

My senior trip was to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I am really glad my Grandma had me saving what little I could from the time I started making money. I had such an awesome experience. Even though 90% of the people who went, went just because it was legal to drink down there. Not saying I didn't drink too, but I learned that was going to be the first and last time I was ever going to get drunk...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pregnancy... The beginning

I have decided to use my blog to keep up with what I do during my pregnancies to stay healthy.

Since I am still nursing Grady and I am planning another homebirth, I must take responsibility for every action I do and do not make.

First, I take prenatal vitamins, which should be a given.

Second, I drink at least 8oz of Raspberry Leaf tea daily, from the day I find out I'm pregnant until a couple weeks after the baby is born.

Third, I eat the Brewer Diet http://www.bradleybirth.com/PD.aspx as closely as I can EVERYDAY. If you are planning a homebirth, you must be nourished throughout. This pregnancy should be very nourished, since I now make our own bone broths and we do not eat out more than 2 times a month.

As I progress through this pregnancy, I will get more in depth my thoughts on birthing and other issues.

Friday, December 10, 2010

False Negatives

I am so relieved that I am finally not going out of my mind as of this morning! After an error and 2 negative pregnancy tests, I finally got the positive result I knew it had to be.

I am so excited! It was a month earlier than planned, but a baby is a blessing. I think I can handle sharing a birthday month :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sewing adventures

As most of you know, I actually enjoy wearing skirts. So that was automatically what I learned to make first. I make the prairie type skirt, so that there are only 2 cuts to make and I can generally sew Tabitha one in about 20 minutes and me one in about 45 minutes, give or take.

Now I am venturing out a little. I am going to try my best to make peasant tops. The pattern can also be elongated to make "Little House on the Prairie" type night gowns and if you add an apron or smock, it is instantly a daytime dress also.

I received the pattern from a lady that sews modest clothing, and whom I have bought a few things over the internet from before, such as nursing dresses. I am so excited that I can make things for Tabitha and I to match. I can even make the tops long enough for maternity, WOO HOO! I am so tired of the mainstream maternity/nursing stores having abosolutely anything that I feel comfortable enough to wear.

When I was pregnant with Grady, I made myself maternity prairie skirts. I practically lived in them! So much more comfortable than the tight little skirts that Motherhood offers, that don't allow you to walk properly, let alone make you sit funny, just so you don't show everything to the world.

I am taking the pattern that I just recieved and copying it to felt, so that I will never have to worry about ripping a paper pattern or having holes all over. The pattern is sized xxs girls to 1x women. I just couldn't pass that up, since it only cost me $21.

I will post pictures and give updates once I start sewing a garment, but for now, my time will be copying onto the felt.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Memories by grade pt 1

I really don't remember anything in my life before 1st grade. I have picture albums galore, but no real memories.

The only thing about Kindergarten is that my teacher's name was Mrs. Trilikis and I went to Hines Elementary.

1st Grade, Peoria Christian School (PCS), Mrs. Gross

I remember 4 distinct things about this class.

1. My grandparents surprised me and the class with a (early) birthday party for me. My birthday was always right before school started and almost everyone else got to bring in cupcakes during the year. Grandpa was a Shriner clown, so he dressed up in his YoYo attire and blew up ballons for my classmates.

2. Story time on a huge piece of carpet.

3. One of my classmates brough in a real frog for show and tell and it got loose. I caught it :) (I was such a tomboy!

4. There was only 1 bathroom break a day. We were taking a test and I peed all over the floor because I didn't want to get in trouble.

2nd Grade, PCS, Mrs. ?

1. We read Pilgrim's Progress

2. Chasing boys on the playground and getting the scars on my knees.

3. Hatching chicks for a science experiment.

4. Bug raising in our classroom (praying mantis, caterpillar)

5. Faking sick to go to the office and get some Tums. (We all did it...)

3rd Grade, PCS, Mrs. Sheets

I remember my first lie. It seemed like everyone in my class was going to have a new sibling, so I decided I felt left out and told her that my mom was expecting too. Boy did I get it, because Mrs. Sheets called mom that night to congratulate her!

I ended up babysitting her children a couple of times 7 years later.

4th Grade, PCS, Mrs. J. Smith

One of the most memorable.

1. She was into performing. We did lots of musical things for Grandparents Day and President's Day. We had a few field trips to local nursing homes.

2. I was "diagnosed" with ADD, put on Ritalin and got bifocal glasses.

3. Everyone thought I needed to be held back a year.

4.Got to have a locker for the first time.

4th Grade, PCS, Miss Job

The only thing I really remember is that no one at home took interest in my everyday school life, so I thought that I could get away with not memorizing a book of scripture. Not so! I still had to go to school that day and stand in front of the class and recite the first verse that I did know and embarrass myself that I hadn't done what I was supposed to. Needless to say, I got an F on that day. I also only chose that passage because I had a crush on this boy that did the same passage the year before. That boy was killed in high school by a "friend" over a girl.

Music teachers:
Mr. Heinemann - 4th through 7th - violin

1. Dad made my life unbearable around him. He had some kind of male ego thing or something with him and they both took it out on me

Mrs. Arnett - general music/ plays/ choir - 1st through 7th

1. I never was in a play until 6th grade, not sure why, and it was only because everyone had to be on stage at least once before 6th grade.

2. In 7th I was stuck in the alto section instaed of the sopranos, which didn't make me happy, but it seemed as though I was the only one who knew the notes when it came to concert time. Maybe it was on purpose?

3. The musicals were always a big production.

4. It always seemed as if my parents never cared. Grandma and Grandpa always had to take us to our performances, then we would hope that our parents would make it. Dad rarely did, or if he did, was always on call and everyone heard his beeper going off during the performamces.

PE - Mrs. Fox - 1st through 7th

1. I was never good enough for her, she would pick on me to no end.

2. I had never seen a sport being played EVER until I was in 7th grade, when my friend brought me to a game, since she was a cheerleader.
The first time we tryed playing soft ball, I had no idea what in the world I was doing. Everone else knew what to do. I actually hit the ball... and then ran all the bases. There were people on the bases, I was clueless.

3. I actually wanted to try playing volleyball and be a cheerleader, but my parents didn't want to have to come to the games and my Mom told me that I would definitely get hurt, so the answer was NO!

5th Grade, PCS, Mrs. N Smith

Oh boy! Here we go...

1. I became teacher's pet this year. She was a very old lady and I did everything to please her.

2. We had a guinea pig for a class pet. I had guinea pigs at home too. I brought my guinea pig over for a "play date" and we ended up with 5 little guinea pigs a couple months later, lol!

3. My Mom and a friend talked me into chopping off all my hair. What a horrible mistake! I was made fun of at school and church. We eventually tried perming it also. NEVER AGAIN!!

6th Grade, PCS, Mrs. Brooks (Miss Job) & Mrs. Mackay

Nothing really remarkable.

7th Grade, Mrs. Patterson, Mr. Guess, Mr. Rosenberger, Mrs. Brooks , Mrs. Meyers & Miss White

1. We were the first class to be in the new addition to the school.

2. I was a bawling mess at the awards ceremony because my grandparents decided they couldn't afford to send us to private school anymore. I was more scared than anything because of the horror stories they told us about public schools.

**This is a big turning point in my life - up next...

Spending the night / being there for your children

Ok, I will say this up front. This is my opinion, not everyone's. After tyoing this all out, it is more of a personal rant, so if you don't want to read it, I don't blame you. It just stuff that Damon and I talk about and I really need to get off my chest.

I really don't understand why I keep getting presure from my Mom for Tabitha to spend the night. I have said no, and no means no right? Why keep telling Tabitha behind my back that she can spend the night sometime, only for me to repeatedly say NO! and make Tabitha upset.

I guess she thinks that since Damon and I were always carted off to my grandparents so they could have "adult time", she thinks I should do the same. They were always busy with everything under the sun, except for their children. Sure, Mom stayed home and ran a daycare so we wouldn't have to have a babysitter, but was never "there". We were always expected to help keep the kids occupied and clean up after them at the end of the day. Then there was always church that was Sunday morning, Sunday night choir practice (for Damon and I), and Wednesday night choir practice (for the adults). Then there was bowling league on Thursday nights. After all that commotion during the week, we spent at least 1 more night with my grandparents. And she wonders why we had such an attachment to them instead of her?

I honestly do not remember being home very much, there was always something to do. If it wasn't something going on at church, there was always something for school, like a concert or play, which was like pulling teeth to get anyone there to see us perform, let alone get there ourselves.

That's another thing! In between us coming home from school and bedtime, as we helped with the daycare, there was never anytime for us to finish our homework or practice our instruments because "it's too loud" and as we got older we would always come home during nap times and get yelled at. I was always so embarrassed that I couldn't play my musical parts correct, since the only time I got to play my instrument was in class. It was even worse in high school, when I played the flute, since we had to stand in front of the class and play "the hard parts" of very hard classical pieces. I never had a real chance. As soon as I moved here with Eric I sold the flute on Ebay, since it had so many bad memories, but to this day I still have my violin...

When I was in my 2nd year of 4th grade, I remember my grandma always picking me up from school and going to her house in order to practice my violin, so her money spent on private lessons was not wasted. She also was the one who helped me learn math. I really don't think anyone knew how much Damon and I hated school.

This, and many more reasons is why Eric & I have decided to homeschool our children and not let them be juggled around here and there. When you are married and have a family, that is what you are... a family. I couldn't imagine having any of my children away from me more than 2-3 hours. Also, I know that emotionally Tabitha is not ready for that either (hence the family bedroom).

I know through my blog I will be venting about my childhood more, but I thought I should stop at this point, or I might just write a book.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Family Bedroom

I cannot believe it has taken me this long to post about our "Family bedroom".

4 weeks ago we decided that night time was just not working for us. We would tuck Tabitha into bed and then Eric, Grady and I would go into our bedroom to sleep. By morning Eric and I would be in some kind of contortion position because Tabitha would venture in at some point and lay at our feet. So, we decided that the basement bedroom has more than enough room for our king bed and her twin bed to be side by side. We will eventually also have the full size bed down there too.

It has worked out wonderfully! Tabitha sleeps in her bed all night long, since her bedside lays right up against Eric's side. I am really hoping that it also helps to transition Grady (eventually) much easier than we did with Tabitha.

The first-born seem to be the guinea pigs for their siblings...

Thursday, November 18, 2010


A couple weeks ago I had this post all written out and I hit the "Publish" button and I have no idea were it went to! I was so upset that it has taken me this long to get the patience to attempt to write it again. Hopefully I remember all of my points.

The main point of this post is about family size.

Who do people think they are to tell someone else how many children they should and should not have? I have heard it now from both sides of our families that 2 is enough. How dare they! Just because I have "one of each", does not give anyone permission to open their mouths and tell me I should just stop and be happy with what I have. If they are brave enough to tell God that they do not want anymore blessings in their life, then let them. Do not expect me to.

Before children, I said 2 - maybe 3. I had no idea how much of a blessing they would be, and how much I really didn't know. I am not saying that we will be the Duggars, but we do have a large house and we are finding we have larger hearts than we realized.

Even Eric commented the other day that we could build a sort of bunk bed arrangement in our family bedroom. I just had to smile when he said that.
I am so happy that we are on the same page (on most days, lol).

I really do enjoy being pregnant and crazy as some may think, am enpowered everytime I go through labor. I know some think I am out of my mind for having a homebirth (which will eventually be a whole separate post). All I can say is that you just have to experience it once and you will be hooked for life. You cannot have fear.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Some will say... "Here she goes again!"

I think this Mom said most of why we are not celebrating Halloween.


I especially agree with her that we should not be taking our kids door to door and then also what I stated in another post about our kids getting too much candy.

Garden update

Ok, there are a few things.

First of all, there has not been a frost yet. I know that we really like this warm weather, but I am getting impatient. I really want to get the garlic and shallots in the ground before they start sprouting in my kitchen!

Second, Eric has convinced me to try a row of Yukon Gold potatoes, so I have reserved the last 3 that we bought at the Farmer's Market a couple weeks ago that have begun to sprout. I am excited to see what happens. It's a good thing he said something again, since I have to plant them with my other fall vegetables.

Third, I am not happy. I realized last week that if I had thought about it, I could have had a fall harvest of carrots already this year! I just wish I had planned better. Oh well, next year I hope to have an over abundance of fruit and vegetables.

Fourth, I am contemplating... The strawberry plants that we have out front are doing wonderful, if you can count the MANY shoots and green leaves. The thing is, I have had them out there for 3 years now, and I still have yet to get a real harvest out of it. Yes, I did have about 30 berries this year, but from a 12 foot section of probably 100 plants?? My new Idea is to have Eric build me a raised bed out front in the spring, probably only a 16'x2'. I want to grow blueberry bushes and then have a new variety ( or maybe even transplant the ones I have - I can't stand wasting them) of strawberries as a ground cover for them. I have been researching and found a blueberry farm that also sells blueberry plants in Mansfield. I'm just hoping that they have 3-5 year old ones so we can have blueberries this coming year.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nick Names

I know a lot of people like to give their kids nicknames, but why do people feel the need to shorten everyone elses name without permission???

I absolutely can't stand it! You give your child a name that you ponder over for MONTHS, just to shorten it and then later confuse them that their REAL name isn't even what you have been calling them?

I know my name and my daughter's name are frequently shortened. My daughter is NOT a cat, so do not ever call her "Tabby", you will be on a bad list if you do so. We have tried to go out of our way to find baby names that couldn't be shortened or babified and I guess we still have failed. Grady has been called "Gray/ Grade". I truly do not understand this. Can you not say 5 letter name????

Why do people go through the trouble of naming a child something just to twist and screw it all to pieces to make it sound cute? If you really like this other name, then that is what should be on the birth certificate.

I have made up my mind that the next person to shorten mine or my children's names are going to wish they hadn't said a word.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Misc update

Well, it is definitely cold around here. I am so anticipating planting the garlic and shallots in the garden in the next week or two.

Mom is moving out next weekend...

John and Mary are going to Florida this week. It's going to be pleasantly quiet around here.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Learning how to Garden... Garlic

I found this website http://www.hawkeyegarlic.com/store/faqIndexWs.asp that is local snd am really excited to get to do something to my new garden already!

Q: Planting Guide
What do I need to know to plant my own garlic?

A: * Plant between September 15 and November 30...after the first light frost.

* Garlic likes loose rich soil with lots of organic matter to provide good drainage.

* Plant the largest cloves to grow the largest bulbs. Leave the outer skin on the bulbs and do not seperate the cloves from the bulb until you are ready to plant.

* Plant the colves root end down, pointed end up, 6-8" apart. Cover with 2" of soil and a 6" layer of mulch. Do not remove mulch in the spring; it help control weeds and preserve moisture.

* "Scapes" are the curly stems that often form as the garlic matures. Cut or break them off after they are 10" long- they will inhibit bulb growth if allowed to grow, and they are good in soups and stirfrys.

* Harvest after leaf die-back begins and there are still five green leaves remaining on the plant-sometime in June or early July. Do not wait too long or the bulbs will begin to separate in the ground.

* Do not bang the garlic against a hard object or each other. It will bruise. Tie in a bundle of 6-10 and hang in a shaded, dry, well-ventilated shed or garage. Leave hanging for 4-6 weeks.

* After thoroughtly drying, trim off the roots and cut the stalks off about 1 1/2 in above the bulb. Store in net bags - old onion bags are good.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Did you that infact Christians go to church on the first day of the week???

I just learned on Saturday that there is another calendar out there!! We use the Gregorian calendar, but Christ used the Hebrew calendar, which is still being used!

I am in total awe.

The Sabbath is really on Saturday. I wonder how many people really know that?

More on this later, as I get more comfortable with the knowledge I am soaking up like a sponge.

Going to church and tything

I have been researching a lot lately and have discovered that there is actually no where in the Bible that says we must go to a physical church building. There is also nowhere that says we have to tythe. I posted this link on my Facebook account. I also asked for no comments on the subject, which everyone has either respected or they just have not wanted to expand their horizons. http://www.truthorfables.com/Tithe_Test.htm

I am so appauld that I as well as the rest of the people that attend church have been lied to. But it is our own fault. If we had been reading our Bibles the way we are supposed to, then we probably would have figured this out for ourselves.

The "church" is where 2 or more are gathered in his name, not a specific place. And also "Moses' Law" for tything is not in effect anymore, since Christ died for us.

It is amazing what Preachers and Priests get away with, especially from our government, who do not take taxes out of thier take home pay. People don't seem to realize that churches are businesses. Why do you think that there are at least 5 back to back pages of them in the yellow pages?

The different denominations are just different ways that they decide to interpret the Word, so that there are many choices out there. If you go and don't like what they are preaching, there is always another church less than 5 minutes down the road that you can go to, until you hear something else you don't like.

Why not start reading the Bible yourself and not use any of the Bible study guides out there, and use your God-given family to discuss different passages that you don't quite understand. If you truly believe, then God will show you the answer you seek.

It is amazing what I am learning. I have never felt more comfortable in my life knowing what I do now. As I learn more, I hope to blog more often.

I also thought this was quite interesting...


Why is it that on Christmas we spend most of our paychecks on junky toys that will be obsolete in a matter of years, tell our children that a magical man brings the presents that we ourselves bought with our hard earned money and also take the time to wrap? We also go out of our way to have our children sit on a man's lap at the mall, that we don't even know. We also decorate our houses with tons of junk that we complain every year that we "have" to put up, then we "have" to take it down! We are also not helping the environment any with all of the trees that are cut down each year, and also the tinsel and burned out lights that go straight to the landfills.

Why is it that on Easter we tell our children that a bunny lays eggs, but yet it is us that has to sneak away to hide them to create yet another illusion (lie) and also the fact that our hard earned money yet again goes to the Easter basket that is filled with so much junk food, that we then proceed to complain that our kids want so much junk food???

And why in the first place do we allow children to have so much junk food and toys in the first place?

Eric and I were talking about this in depth until almost 1:30 this morning. We think that Thanksgiving is fine, since it is a holiday to celebrate the fruits of our harvests, which we hope will be a huge harvest for our household next year. As for Easter and Christmas, we will not be celebrating. We will focus on teaching our children what they need to know about the Bible, instead of only focusing once a year on certain stories.

I know that we have been guilty of this, but a stop is being put to it right now. Family togetherness is much more important.

Monday, September 13, 2010

"Spring" Cleaning

Well, yesterday was an unexpected day that ended up getting a lot done around the house. We decided to go through everything and check expiration dates, which led to organizing the cabinets, getting everything out that we haven't used in quite a while and putting it in the storage room "baking section" (what I am calling it now). That led to cleaning out and organizing the hall closet and turning it into another pantry. After that Eric went outside and finished the raised bed boxes and cut out a shelf to hopefully finish the kitchen cabinets, so we can store the larger dry goods that we buy from BJ's.

I am very happy at what we accomplished.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Raw milk endevours

I am so excited about finding so many other people that love raw milk and whole foods! I am enjoying this new turn around for me.
We started in a herdshare 3 weeks ago and I have already made cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir!!! I think that I am going to stick with the kefir for a while though. The cottage cheese and yogurt were a little sour for my taste.

Anyway, here is another blog to get a free Le Creuset 6-Quart Stockpot. Can we say WOW???


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

More and more crochet!

I have found a new passion for crocheting! I am currently working on dish cloths, then going to go to, maybe swiffer pads?? I am finding the world of yarn to be endless :) I have now invested in many colors of 100% cotton yarn... guess what everyone is getting for Christmas, hehe!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Well, this Saturday is Tabitha's Tinkerbell birthday party. I so enjoy doing this stuff for her! I have done numerous craft projects to keep the cost down, and am trying to keep the food budget down also.

I just realized the other day that I have yet to take Grady's 10 month picture, and he is almost 11 months already! How am I supposed to keep this up when we have more kids?? SIGH...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well, Easter went pretty well. Damon and his family did come. We had Gwen's birthday cake and did the egg hunt out in the yard. Tabitha still had a cough, which I figure was just drainage. THEN Grady got something, and still has a runny nose (allergies??). Now I am getting whatever this is too. UGG!

After Damon left Easter afternoon, we decided to go see Larissa. We were both so happy to see each other. And a bonus, we got to meet her parents and Grandma :)

Yesterday we went to Children's again to see Larissa. We had an "inroom" picnic. It was fun. I am so glad we get to see her. I do IM her everyday, but it's not the same.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Are plans falling apart?

Tabitha came down with something starting Wed afternoon. She has been runing a fever, and of course, it's the weekend my brother's family is supposed to be here so we can celebrate Gwendolyn's 1st birthday. I have still cleaned and made the cake and prepared all the food as much as I can. We will see what happens in the next couple of hours...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well, Easter candy making and Tabitha's Disney Princess eggs are colored and stickered. I just need to do a few last minute items, like make Gwen's birthday cake and bake a regular loaf and a sugar cinnamon loaf of bread. I also have to make sure I have EVERYTHING I need for this weekend. There is no going out of the house for anything!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Good news for the Hamann's

Our friend Mike got custody of his daughter, Madison, today. This has been a long time coming :) Mike also asked us if we would allow Tabitha to be a flower girl in his wedding in July. So now we have Eric and Tabitha in the wedding. I just love weddings, and to be a part of it is so exciting!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

2 teeth

What a terrible day. Grady knocked out his 2 bottom teeth from the laundry hamper landing on him wrong. He is doing better than Momma and Daddy. We will have to discuss if we want him to have a bridge made until his adult teeth come in or not.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

They're here!

The new fridge and freezer came early today. Yes, they came about 20 minutes early and didn't call like they were supposed to, so I could start emptying the old one! GRRR! Well, at least they are here and hardly full at all. Our old one was packed to the max. I can't believe we have so much room now, and the fact I can SEE everything in there also.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New appliances

Well, the freezer went out on us AGAIN... for the last time! I am so tired of throwing out food. We have had the thing fixed at least 3 times now, if not more. So we went out to Shearer Appliance and got separate units. I have been wanting more freezer space anyway. We got a 18 cuft refridgerator and a 20 cuft freezer. That gives us 13 cuft more than we have now, and it cost less than if we replaced our side by side. I am happy. Now I will be able to go during berry picking season and get fresh berries and vegetables to freeze and not worry about the space in the freezer (for the most part). I was contemplating on getting everthing to start canning, but was getting sickened by the cost of it all! Thank goodness my mind was made up for me. I can't wait for the corn, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, tomatoes... AND all the fresh grassfed beef from the Simon's farm.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Shopping and cheesecake

Larissa and I went shopping for Easter supplies and misc baking/crafting things at JoAnn last night. I can't believe I was out for 3+ hours shopping!

We made an Alto Brown recipe cheesecake last night. It looks so good. I can't wait for Brian & Larissa to get back here to eat it!! Pictures will be posted on tumblr.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Photos and videos

I have decided to use Tumblr to post our family photos and precious videos.


Friday, February 19, 2010

The start of something new...

Wow, I finally have a blog! I will use this to update everyone what is going on in the Eric and Rebecca household.