Friday, January 21, 2011

I was thinking...

Now, I am not trying to make anyone mad, but I was just sitting here tonight contemplating what people's idols were in their lives. Money, big houses, jobs... Then it hit me. There is a huge idol that we are taught from Kindergarten, and maybe even before then, to basically worship. The American flag. Why is it that we are taught to pledge our allegience to a flag?

Of course there is one in every single public school. We sing to it at every major sporting event. Even in churches there are flags up next to the pulpit. But why? Doesn't the Bible tell us that we should only be worshiping God?

Even at Christmas time, why do we put up a tree? Why do we adorn it with all kinds of fancy lights and pretty ornaments? Why do we put presents under it? Isn't the tree an idol also?

I am not putting down patriotism. I love that I live in a country that gives it's inhabitants so many freedoms. I just don't see why we have to pledge our lives to a flag, when we should be pledging our lives to God.

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