Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our old fashioned house

It is truly amazing to me how far Eric and I have come just the past couple of years. When we were both working, we rarely had time to eat out, let alone eat something cooked at home. Now, we buy basic staples at BJ's, like flour, eggs, yeast, white and brown sugar, fruits and vegetables. We purchase our milk and beef (and soon our eggs) from the Simon Certified Organic Family Farm. We occasionally get chickens from them also, but they have been scarce. We also bought a tub of lard from a pig farm that was at the Canton Farmer's Market.

We make from scratch our breads, pie crust, cookies, granola (regular & chocolate), bagels, english muffins, cakes, icings, doughnuts, fudge, sauces, pancakes (regular & blueberry), waffles and pizza dough.

For the breads, we do have a few favorites. I like making Avanti's bread, Eric makes Subway loaves (he bought the mold for them), cinnamon raisin bread and then just regular old sandwich bread.

We have been canning our own chicken and beef stock. There has also been applesauce and pear sauce.     I am hoping to can many vegetables out of my garden this summer too, such as peas, green beans, peppers, and tomatoes.

We do not buy premade chicken nuggets or fries. Eric makes them as needed. I cannot believe all of the additives they have in even the frozen premade foods.

The kids and I have not been to a fast food place in over 6 months. We have only been eating out 1 time a month, mostly at chain restaraunts, but that is soon to change also.

My next task is to start making our own pasta. Homemade pasta has a taste that you just can't get out of a cardboard box. I remember my Grandma making pasta and I would sit there crunching away on the freshly dried pasta (yes, it was that good).

I will update when we finally have our new pasta maker. I am currently bidding on it on E-Bay.

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